انتشارات American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics

Basic MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Stateflow®
Colgren, Richard, 2007
Aerothermodynamics of Gas turbine and Rocket propulsion
G. Oates, 1997
Modeling and simulation of aerospace vehicle dynamics
P. Zipfel, 2007
Modeling and simulation of aerospace vehicle dynamics
Peter H. Zipfel, 2000
Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics
Peter H. Zipfel, 2007
Space vehicle design
Michael D. Griffin, James R. French, 2004
Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance
Zarchan Paul, 2012
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB®/Simulink®
Yakimenko, Oleg A., 2011
Aerothermodynamics of aircraft engine components
Gordon C. Oates, 1985
Introduction to aircraft flight mechanics: performance, static stability, dynamic stability, and classical feedback control
Thomas R. Yechout, Steven L. Morris, David E. Bossert, Wayne F. Hallgren, 2003
Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Flow Control
Joslin, Ronald D.; Miller, Daniel N.(eds.), 2009
Advanced Dynamics
Ying, Shuh-Jing (Benjamin), 1997
Advanced Propulsion Systems and Technologies, Today to 2020
Claudio Bruno, 2008
Advances in Collaborative Civil Aeronautical Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Kesseler, Ernst; Guenov, Marin D.(eds.), 2010
Fundamentals of High Accuracy Inertial Navigation
A. Chatfield, 1997
Dynamics of flames and reactive systems. Technical Papers presented from the Ninth International Colloquium on Gasdynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, July 1983
J R Bowen; N Manson; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.; Congrès. Poitiers. 1983, 1984
Aerospace Software Engineering - A Collection of Concepts
Anderson, Christine; Dorfman, Merlin(eds.), 1991
AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (5th Edition)
The Design Guide Subcommittee of the AIAA Design Engineering Technical Committee(eds.), 2003
Elements of continuum mechanics
RC Batra, 2006
Elements of Propulsion, Gas Turbines and Rockets 2nd edition (AIAA Education Series)
Jack D. Mattingly, 2006