انتشارات American Mathematical Soc

Mathematics of Optimization: How to do Things Faster
Miller S.J., 2017
Curvature of Space and Time, with an Introduction to Geometric Analysis
Iva Stavrov, 2021
Mathematics: Rhyme and Reason
Mel Currie, 2018
Rational Numbers to Linear Equations
Hung-Hsi Wu, 2020
Higher Arithmetic An Algorithmic Introduction to Number Theory
Edwards, Harold Mortimer, Jr., 2008
Introduction to Representation Theory
Pavel Etingof, Oleg Golberg, Sebastian Hensel, Tiankai Liu, Alex Schwendner, 2011
Provability, Complexity, Grammars
Lev Beklemishev, Mati Pentus, Nikolai Vereschagin, 1999
Dynamical Systems on Homogeneous Spaces
Alexander N. Starkov, 2000
Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics
Larry Guth, 2016
Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type
O. A. Ladyzhenskaya, V. A. Solonnikov,and N. N. Uraltseva, 1968
Cryptography: An Introduction
V. V. Yashchenko, 2002
Computable Functions
Nikolai Konstantinovich Vereshchagin, A. Shen, 2002
Higher Arithmetic. An Algorithmic Introduction to Number Theory
Harold M. Edwards, 2008
Second Order Equations of Elliptic and Parabolic Type
E. M. Landis, 1998
Second Order Elliptic Equations and Elliptic Systems
Ya-Zhe Chen and Lan-Cheng Wu, 1998
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Qing Han, and Fanghua Lin, 2000
An Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
Stephen Childress, 2009
Analysis and Linear Algebra: The Singular Value Decomposition and Applications
James Bisgard, 2021
Generalized Ricci Flow
Mario Garcia-Fernandez, Jeffrey Streets, 2021
Principal Structures and Methods of Representation Theory
Zhelobenko, 2005
Tight Closure and Its Applications
Craig Huneke, 1996
A Cornucopia of Quadrilaterals
Claudi Alsina, Roger B. Nelsen, 2020
Linear Algebra for the Young Mathematician
Steven H. Weintraub (author), 2019
Geometric Analysis
Hubert L. Bray (editor), Greg Galloway (editor), Rafe Mazzeo (editor), Natasa Sesum (editor), 2016