انتشارات American Mathematical Society

Invariant subspaces of Hardy classes on infinitely connected open surfaces
Neville C.W., 1975
Numbers with small prime factors, and the least kth power non-residue
Norton K.K., 1971
Special and spurious solutions of x(t)=-a f(x(t-1))
Nussbaum R.D., Peitgen H., 1984
Equivalences of Classifying Spaces Completed at the Prime Two
Robert Oliver, 2006
Two papers on similarity of certain Volterra integral operators
Osher S.J., 1967
Entropy and Multivariable Interpolation
Gelu Popescu, 2006
A new formulation of particle mechanics
Prosser R.T., 1966
On the ideal structure of operator algebras
Prosser R.T., 1963
Equivariant maps of spheres into the classical groups,
Jon H Folkman, 1971
On the compactification of moduli spaces for algebraic K3 surfaces
Scattone F., 1987
Kernels and integral operators for continuous sums of Banach spaces
Irwin E Schochetman, 1978
Effective algebraic topology
Schoen R., 1991
Decompositions of operator algebras I and II
Segal I.E., 1951
Bernoulli free-boundary problems
Shargorodsky E., Toland J.F., 2008
Short-Time Geometry of Random Heat Kernels
Richard B. Sowers, 1998
Endomorphisms of Linear Algebraic Groups
Robert Steinberg, 1968