انتشارات American Society Of Civil Engineers

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures (ASCE/SEI 48-11 Standard)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2011
Advanced Analysis in Steel Frame Design - Guidelines for Direct Second-Order Inelastic Analysis
Surovek, Andrea E. (Eds.), 2012
AEI 2013 : Building Solutions for Architectural Engineering
Ali M. Memari, Ph. D. P. E.; Chimay J. Anumba, Ph. D. P. E. F.ASCE, 2013
Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management
Edited by Wesley W. Wallender, Kenneth K. Tanji, Sc.D, 2011
Airfield Safety and Capacity Improvements: Case Studies on Successful Projects
Geoffrey S. Baskir, Edward L. Gervais (Eds.), 2013
American Society of Civil Engineers seismic design criteria for structures, systems, and components in nuclear facilities
Structural Engineering Institute, 2005
American Society of Civil Engineers standard practice for the design and operation of hail suppression projects
Environmental and Water Resources Institute, 2003
asce 7-05 minimum design loads for buildings and other structures
et al American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005
ASCE standard ASCE/SEI 41-13 : American Society of Civil Engineers : seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014
Automated people mover standards
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013
Automated people mover standards . / Part 3
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006
Automated People Mover Standards-Part 1, Part 2
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006
Automated People Mover Standards-Part 1, Part 4
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006
Compaction grouting consensus guide : ASCE standard ASCE/G-I53-10
American Society of Civil Engineers, Dawn Shuttle, 2010
Comprehensive transboundary international water quality management agreement
American Society Of Civil Engineers Environmental And Water Resources Institute, 2001
Design loads on structures during construction
Design Loads on Structures During Constr, 2002
Design Loads on Structures during Construction
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015
Design of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) stacks (FRP) Stacks
ASCE/SEI 52-10, 2010