انتشارات Aqsa Publications

An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise
John R. Pierce, 1980
Symbolic Exchange and Death (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)
Jean Baudrillard, 1993
Forests: More Than Just Trees (Natural Resources)
Julie Kerr, Casper, 2007
Lands: Taming the Wilds (Natural Resources)
Julie Kerr Casper, Ph.d., 2007
Minerals: Gifts from the Earth
Julie Kerr, Ph.D. Casper, 2007
Natural Resources - Energy: Powering the Past, Present, and Future
Ph.d. Julie Kerr Casper, 2007
H-60 Black Hawk in Action
Paul Pickett, Joe Sewell, Don Greer, Tom Tullis, 1993
Mars : Your Burning Desires
Frank C Clifford, Anna Stuart, 2000
Walther Automatic Pistols and Flare Pistols
A. J. R. Cormack, 1972
AngularJS in Action
Lukas Ruebbelke, 2015
AngularJS in Action
Lukas Ruebbelke, 2015
AngularJS in Action
Lukas Ruebbelke, 2015
Conversation Gambits: Real English Conversation Practices
Eric Keller and Sylvia T Warner
Conversation guide -Armenain\English\Persian
Ed. Baghdasarian, 1998
A Guide to Conducting Online Research
Ted J Gaiser, Anthony E Schreiner, 2009
AIDS in South Asia: Understanding And Responding to a Heterogenous Epidemic (Health, Nutrition and Population Series)
James F. Blanchard, Han Kang, Faran Emmanuel, Sushena Reza Paul,, 2006
Effective Presentation Skills : A Practical Guide for Better Speaking
Steve Mandel, 2000
Effective Presentation Skills : A Practical Guide for Better Speaking
Steve Mandel, 2000
Speaking in God's Name: Islamic Law, Authority and Women
Khaled Abou El Fadl, 2001
21st Century Journalism in India
Nalini Rajan, 2007
Charismatic Leadership in Organizations
Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, 1998
نمازِ وتر و تہجّد (قرآن و حدیث اور اقوالِ ائمہ کی روشنی میں)
ابو عدنان محمد منیر قمر
March onto land : the Silurian period to the middle Triassic epcoh
Thom Holmes, 2008