انتشارات Aquarian

Immortal Britain
INSOLE, Alan V., 1952
Immortal Britain
INSOLE, Alan V., 1952
Alchemist of the Golden Dawn: The Letters of the Revd W.A. Ayton to F.L. Gardner and Others, 1886-1905 (Roots of the Golden Dawn Series)
W. A. Ayton, Ellic Howe, F. Leigh Gardner, 1985
The Training and Work of an Initiate
Dion Fortune, 1955
The Art of Dreaming
Carlos Castaneda, 1994
Magic and the Magician : Training and Work in Ritual, Power and Purpose
W. E. Butler, 1992
A.E. Waite: Magician of Many Parts
R.A. Gilbert, 1987
Astral doorways
JH Brennan, 1971
Ceremonial Magic: A Guide to the Mechanisms of Ritual
Israel Regardie, 1980
Ceremonial Magic: A Guide to the Mechanisms of Ritual
Israel Regardie, 1980
Foundations of Practical Magic
Israel Regardie, 1988
Gnosticism: Its history and influence
Benjamin Walker, 1983
Invisibility: Mastering the Art of Vanishing
Steve Richards, 1982
Levitation: What it is, How it Works, How to Do it
Steve Richards, 1980
Rosy Cross Unveiled: The History, Mythology and Rituals of an Occult Order
Christopher McIntosh, 1980
The Garden of Life: An Introduction to the Healing Plants of India
Naveen Patnaik, 1999
The Ritual Magic Workbook: A Practical Course of Self-initiation
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, 1986
The Rosicrucian Seer: Magical Writings of Frederick Hockley (Roots of the Golden Dawn series)
Frederick Hockley, 1986
The secret rituals of the Golden Dawn
R.G. Torrens, 1973
The Traveller's Guide to the Astral Plane
Steve Richards, 1983
The Underworld Initiation: A Journey Towards Psychic Transformation
R. J. Stewart, 1989
The Trigrams of Han - Inner Structures of the I Ching
Steve Moore, 1989