انتشارات Artech House, Inc.

Basic Radar Analysis
Mervin C. Budge, 2015
Business Process Implementation for IT Professionals and Managers
Robert B. Walford, 1999
Business Strategies For Satellite Systems (Artech House Space Applications)
D. K. Sachdev, 2004
CDMA RF System Engineering
Samuel c. Yang, 1998
CDMA RF System Engineering
Samuel c. Yang, 1998
CDMA RF System Engineering (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
Samuel c. Yang, 1998
CENTREX or PBX: The Impact of Internet Protocol
John R. Abrahams, 2003
CENTREX or PBX: The Impact of Internet Protocol
John R. Abrahams, 2003
Computational Electrodynamics The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
Allen Taflove, 2000
Computational electrodynamics: Finite Difference Time Domain Method
Allen Taflove, 1995
Computer Telephone Integration
Rob Walters, 1993
Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking
Stefan Katzenbeisser, 2000
Techniques and applications of digital watermarking and content protection
Michael Arnold, 2003
High-speed wireless ATM and LANs
Benny Bing, 2000
Planning and Design for High-Tech Web-Based Training
David E. Stone, 2002
Broadband Microstrip Antennas
Girish Kumar, 2002
Broadband microstrip antennas
Girish Kumar, 2003
CAD of Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications
Robert A. Sainati, 1996
Microstrip Lines and Slotlines
K. C. Gupta, 1996
Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications
Keith B. Schaub, 2004
Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications
Keith B. Schaub, 2004
Intelligent Vehicle Technology And Trends
Richard Bishop, 2005
Handbook of RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Components
Sergey M. Smolskiy, Leonid A. Belov, 2012
Handbook of Rf, Microwave, and Millimeter-wave Components.
Sergey M. Smolskiy, 2012