انتشارات Ashgate Pub

Restorative Justice
Margarita Zernova, 2007
Restorative Justice (International and Comparative Criminal Justice)
Margarita Zernova, 2007
Rethinking International Law and Justice
Charles Sampford, 2014
Returning to John Donne
Achsah Guibbory, 2015
Revisualizing Visual Culture
Chris Bailey, 2010
Remembering, forgetting and city builders
Tovi Fenster, 2010
Remorse: Psychological and Jurisprudential Perspectives
Michael Proeve, 2010
Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare
Joan Fitzpatrick, 2010
Renaissance theories of vision
John Hendrix, 2010
Renaissance Theories of Vision (Visual Culture in Early Modernity)
John Shannon Hendrix, 2010
Renaissance Theories of Vision (Visual Culture in Early Modernity)
John Shannon Hendrix, 2010
Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics
Mark Alan Bowald, 2007
Representing Children in Chinese and U.S. Children's Literature
Claudia Nelson, 2014
Reputation, Celebrity and Defamation Law
David Rolph, 2008
Researching Values with Qualitative Methods: Empathy, Moral Boundaries and the Politics of Research
Antje Bednarek-Gilland, 2015
Regionalism in the Post-Cold-War World
Stephen C. Calleya, 2000