انتشارات Ashgate Pub

Tradition, Culture and Aesthetics in Contemporary Asian Cinema
Peter C. Pugsley, 2013
Transnational Mobilities in Early Modern Theater
Robert Henke, 2014
Trusting others, trusting God: concepts of belief, faith and rationality
Sheela Pawar, 2009
Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds
Pauline Fairclough, 2013
This Is the Sound of Irony: Music, Politics and Popular Culture
Katherine L. Turner, 2015
Tourism And Borders: Contemporary Issues, Policies And International Research
Helmut Wachowiak, 2006
Towards Recognition of Minority Groups: Legal and Communication Strategies
Marek Zirk-sadowski, 2014
The Symbolic Representation of Gender: A Discursive Approach
Emanuela Lombardo, 2014
The Television Entrepreneurs: Social Change and Public Understanding of Business
Raymond Boyle, 2012
The Transfer of Learning: Participants' Perspectives of Adult Education And Training
Sarah Leberman, 2006
The Transformation of Politicised Religion: From Zealots into Leaders
Hartmut Elsenhans, 2015
Theorising the Practice of Community Development: A South African Perspective
Peter Westoby, 2014
The Roberto Gerhard Companion
Monty Adkins, 2013
The role of the state and individual in sustainable land management
R W Dixon-Gough, 2006