انتشارات Ashgate Publishing

Suspending Modernity: The Architecture of Franco Albini
Kay Bea Jones, 2013
Suspending Modernity: The Architecture of Franco Albini
Kay Bea Jones, 2013
Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organisations
Ian MacDonald, 2006
Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical Interpretation and Ethics
Revd Dr Stephen Plant, 2014
Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical Interpretation and Ethics
Revd Dr Stephen Plant, 2014
Still Songs: Music In and Around the Poetry of Paul Celan
Celan, Paul, 2012
Stories from the Street: A Theology of Homelessness
Revd Dr David Nixon, 2013
Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar
P. F. Strawson, 2004
Society, Culture And Politics in Byzantium
Nicolas Oikonomides, 2005
Sociologists in a Global Age
Deflem, 2007
Song Interpretation in 21st-century Pop Music
Ralf Von Appen, 2015
Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography
Jeremy W. Crampton, 2007
Shakespeare's Marlowe
Robert A. Logan, 2007
Shelley and the Musico-poetics of Romanticism
Jessica K. Quillin, 2012
Slavoj Zizek: A Little Piece of the Real
Matthew Sharpe, 2004
Sculpture Collections in Early Modern Spain
Dr Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio &, 2013
Sculpture Collections in Early Modern Spain
Dr Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio &, 2013
Secularisation in the Christian World: Essays in Honour of Hugh McLeod
Callum G. Brown, 2010
Serialization and the novel in mid-Victorian magazines
Delafield, 2015
Shakespeare and the Just War Tradition
Paola Pugliatti, 2010
Sacred Suicide
James R. Lewis &, 2014
Safety-I and Safety-II: The Past and Future of Safety Management
Erik Hollnagel, 2014