انتشارات Asia Pacific Press

Impact of Science on Society, The
Isaac Asimov, 2005
Ecclesiastes : all is vanity
Jacques B. Doukhan., 2006.
Seven Keys
Jon Paulien, 2009
Testimonies to the Church, Vol 1
Ellen G White, 2006
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
Department of Defense, 2002
Effects of Nuclear War
Office of Technology Assessment, 2005
Essays in Criticism
Matthew Arnold, 2002
Ethics: Origin and Development
Peter Kropotkin, 2002
Fundamentals of Geology
V. Obruchev, 2005
India and The United States: Estranged Democracies 1941 - 1991
Dennis Kux, 2002
Jewish Contributions to Civilization: An Estimate
Joseph Jacobs, 2003
Monopolies and Trusts
Richard T. Ely, 2000
On the Art of the Cinema
Kim Jong-il, 2001
Role of Airpower in the Iran-Iraq War
Ronald E. Bergquist, 2002
Small Wars Manual
United States Marine Corps, 2005
Stem Cells: Scientific Progress And Future Research Directions
National Institutes of Health, 2004
Stem Cells: Scientific Progress And Future Research Directions
National Institutes of Health, 2004
The European Theater of Operations: Cross-Channel Attack
Gordon A. Harrison, 2002
The Manhattan Project - Making The Atomic Bomb
F. G. Gosling, 2005
What is the theory of relativity
L. Landau, 2003
What Is the Theory of Relativity
L. Landau, 2003
Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties
U. S. Department of Defense, 2004
The Road to Life : An Epic of Education (Vol. 1)
Anton Semyonovich Makarenko, 2001