انتشارات Austrian Academy Of Sciences Press

Early Tibetan Documents on Phur pa from Dunhuang
Cathy Cantwell, 2008
Pottery Technologies and Sociocultural Connections Between the Aegean and Anatolia During the 3rd Millenium BC
Eva Alram-stern; Barbara Horejs, 2018
Old Indo-Aryan Morphology and Its Indo-Iranian Background
Toshifumi Goto, 2013
Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum Iran - A late Sasanian Hoard from Orumiyeh
Nikolaus Schindel, 2017
Gulag Miracles: Sufis and Stalinist Repression in Kazakhistan
Allen J. Frank, 2019
Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum
Hasan Malay, 1994
The Philosophical and Theological Teachings of the Padmasamhita
Silvia Schwarz Linder, 2014
A Noble Noose of Methods, The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahāyoga Tantra and its Commentary
Cathy Cantwell, Robert Mayer, 2012
Islam, Society and States across the Qazaq Steppe (15th - early 20th Centuries)
Nicccolò Pianciola (editor), 2013
The Pearl in its Midst: Herat and the Mapping of Khurasan (15th-19th Centuries)
Christine Noelle-Karimi, 2014
Ish Murad B. Adina Muhammad Al-'alavi: Jamshidi Tavayifi Fathi (the Subjugation of the Jamshidis)
Nuryoghdi Toshov (editor), 2018
Reading Bhatta Jayanta on Buddhist Nominalism
Patrick McAllister (editor), 2017