انتشارات Basic Books

The Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace
David B. Woolner, 2017
The Taste of Empire: How Britain’s Quest for Food Shaped the Modern World
Lizzie Collingham, 2017
The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won
Victor Davis Hanson, 2017
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Tatum, Beverly, 2010
The Art of Logic in an Illogical World
Eugenia Cheng, 2018
The Unruly City: London, Paris, and New York in the Age of Revolution
Mike Rapport, 2017
The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie, 2018
Time traveler : a scientist’s personal mission to make time travel a reality
Mallett, Ronald L.; Henderson, Bruce B., 2009
Every Day Gets a Little Closer: A Twice-Told Therapy
Irvin D.Yalom and Ginny Elkin, 974
The Last Man Who Knew Everything - The Life and Times of Enrico Fermi, Father of the Nuclear Age
David N. Schwartz, 2017
A history of Iran : empire of the mind
Axworthy, Michael, 2016
Adam Smith: Father of Economics
Jesse Norman, 2018
Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America
Christopher Jencks et al., 1972
The interpretation of cultures
Clifford Geertz, 2008
1619: Jamestown and the Forging of American Democracy
James Horn, 2018
Napoleon: A Life
Adam Zamoyski, 2018
A Nation Forged by Crisis: A New American History
Jay Sexton, 2018
Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation
Serhii Plokhy, 2017
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper
John Allen Paulos [Paulos, Allen, John]
Discrimination and Disparities
Thomas Sowell, 2018
The Rise of Andrew Jackson: Myth, Manipulation, and the Making of Modern Politics
David S. Heidler, 2018
Disturbing The Universe
Freeman Dyson, 1979