انتشارات Bear Bull Traders

How to Trade in Stocks
Jesse Livermore, 2001
Jesse Livermore Speculator King
Sarnoff, 1985
Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets
Larry Pesavento, 1996
Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets
Larry Pesavento, 1996
Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing
J.M. Hurst, 2000
Stock Patterns for Day Trading
Barry Rudd, 1999
Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing Trading
Barry Rudd, 1998
The Geometry of Stock Market Profits
Michael Jenkins, 1996
The Geometry of Stock Market Profits
Michael Jenkins, 1996
Understanding Bollinger Bands
Edward Dobson, 1994
Technically Speaking: Tips and Strategies from 16 Top Traders
Chris Wilkinson, 1997
The Complete RSI Book
John Hayden, 2003
Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Andrew Goodwin, 1997
The Four Biggest Mistakes in Futures Trading
Jay Kaeppel, 2000
Exceptional Trading
Ruth Roosevelt, 1999
The Magic of Moving Averages
Scot Lowry, 1998
10 Keys to successful forex trading
Jarred Martinez, 2013
Trading tips
Market Traders Institute
Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition
Larry Pesavento, 1985