انتشارات Berghahn

Unearthing the Past to Forge the Future: Colin Mackenzie, the Early Colonial State, and the Comprehensive Survey of India
Tobias Wolffhardt; Jane Rafferty, 2018
Reconstructing Obesity: The Meaning of Measures and the Measure of Meanings
Megan McCullough, Jessica Hardin (eds.), 2013
The rhythm of eternity : the German youth movement and the experience of the past, 1900-1933
Robbert-Jan Adriaansen, 2015
Moving Subjects, Moving Objects: Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions
Maruska Svasek, 2012
Moving Subjects, Moving Objects: Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions
Maruska Svasek, 2012
Indispensable Eyesores: An Anthropology of Undesired Buildings
Melanie van der Hoorn; Mélanie van der Hoorn, 2009
Vital Diplomacy: The Ritual Everyday on a Dammed River in Amazonia
Chloe Nahum-Claudel, 2017
The Mirror of the Medieval: An Anthropology of the Western Historical Imagination
K. Patrick Fazioli, 2017
History of the Low Countries
J. C. H. Blom (editor), E. Lamberts (editor), 2006
Germany and ‘the West’: The History of a Modern Concept
Riccardo Bavaj, Martina Steber (eds.), 2015
Germans Against Nazism: Nonconformity, Opposition and Resistance in the Third Reich: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoffmann
Francis R. Nicosia; Lawrence D. Stokes, 2015
Bedouin of Mount Sinai: An Anthropological Study of their Political Economy
Emanuel Marx, 2013
The Wars of Yesterday: The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-13
Katrin Boeckh; Sabine Rutar, 2018
The Force of Comparison: A New Perspective on Modern European History and the Contemporary World
Willibald Steinmetz (editor), 2019
Between Blood and Gold: The Debates Over Compensation for Slavery in the Americas
Frédérique Beauvois; Andrene Everson (translator), 2017
Drinking: Anthropological Approaches
Igor De Garine (editor), Valerie De Garine (editor), 2001
Democracy's Paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis
Bruce Kapferer (editor), Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (editor), 2019
Rampart Nations: Bulwark Myths of East European Multiconfessional Societies in the Age of Nationalism
Liliya Berezhnaya; Heidi Hein-Kircher, 2019
Topographies of Suffering: Buchenwald, Babi Yar, Lidice
Jessica Rapson, 2015
The Devil's Captain: Ernst Jünger in Nazi Paris, 1941–1944
Allan Mitchell, 2011
Sustainability and Communities of Place
Carl A. Maida, 2011