انتشارات Big Kid Science

Silica Glass and its Application
Ivan Fanderlik (Eds.), 1991
Silica Nanoparticles: Preparation, Properties and Uses
Juan Vivero-escoto, 2011
Semiconductor Sensors in Physico-Chemical Studies
L. Yu. Kupriyanov (Eds.), 1996
A New Concept of the Universe
Walter Russell, 1989
Genetic Improvement of Vegetable Crops
G. Kalloo and B.O. Bergh (Eds.), 1993
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Vegetable Brassicas
Jan Sadowski, Chittaranjan Kole, 2011
Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climatic Change: A Critical Appraisal of Simulations and Observations
M.E. Schlesinger (Eds.), 1991
Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
L.P. Dake (Eds.), 1978
Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
L.P. Dake (Eds.), 1978
Fundamentals of Numerical Reservoir Simulation
Donald W. Peaceman (Eds.), 1977
Reservoir Capacity and Yield
Thomas A. McMahon and Russel G. Mein (Eds.), 1978
The Practice of Reservoir Engineering
L.P. Dake (Eds.), 2001
Intelligent Sensors
Hiro Yamasaki (Eds.), 1996
Measuring Current Voltage and Power Handbook of Sensors and Actuators Vol 7
K. Iwansson, G. Sinapius, W. Hoornaert, S. Middelhoek, 1999
Measuring Current, Voltage and Power, Vol.7 (Handbook of Sensors and Actuators)
K. Iwansson, G. Sinapius, W. Hoornaert, S. Middelhoek, 1999
Mercury Cadmium Telluride Imagers: A Patent-oriented Survey
Anders C. Onshage (Eds.), 1997
Micro Mechanical Systems: Principles and Technology
T. Fukuda, Wolfgang Menz, 1998
Micro Mechanical Transducers, Volume 8: Pressure Sensors, Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
Min-hang Bao, S. Middelhoek, 2000
Algorithms and Theory in Filtering and Control: Proceedings of the Workshop on Numerical Techniques for Systems Engineering Problems, Part L
Danny C. Sorensen, Danny C. Sorensen, Roger J. B. Wets, 1982
Advanced Nano- and Piezoelectric Materials and Their Applications
Ivan A. Parinov, 2014
Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn
Richard R. Hamming, 1997/2005
Hydrogeology of an Arid Region: The Arabian Gulf and Adjoining Areas
A.S. Alsharhan, Z.A. Rizk, A.E.M. Nairn, D.W. Bakhit, S.A. Alhajari, 2001