انتشارات BirkhÄuser Basel

Sofia Kowalewskaja: Ein Leben für Mathematik und Emanzipation
Wilderich Tuschmann, 1993
Spatial Patterns: Higher Order Models in Physics and Mechanics
L. A. Peletier, 2001
Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations and Their Numerical Solution
Heinz-Otto Kreiss, 2001
Soft Solids: A Primer to the Theoretical Mechanics of Materials
Alan D. Freed (auth.), 2014
Spatial Stochastic Processes: A Festschrift in Honor of Ted Harris on his Seventieth Birthday
Peter Ney (auth.), 1991
Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits
Rainer Unland, 2005
Time-Frequency Representations
Richard Tolimieri, 1996
Software Systems for Structural Optimization
Herbert R. E. M. Hörnlein (auth.), 1993
Time-Variant Systems and Interpolation
J. A. Ball, 1992
Species Conservation: A Population-Biological Approach
A. Seitz (auth.), 1991
Time: Poincaré Seminar 2010
Thibault Damour (auth.), 2013
Some Aspects of Brownian Motion: Part II: Some Recent Martingale Problems
Marc Yor (auth.), 1997
Tissue Culture Techniques: An Introduction
Bernice M. Martin (auth.), 1994
Somesthesis and the Neurobiology of the Somatosensory Cortex
E. G. Jones (auth.), 1996
Songs from Unsung Worlds: Science in Poetry
Bonnie Bilyeu Gordon (auth.), 1985
Tissue Engineering: Current Perspectives
Eugene Bell (auth.), 1993
Spectral methods in surface superconductivity
Søren Fournais, 2009
Sonnenfinsternisse: und andere faszinierende Erscheinungen am Himmel
Andreas Walker (auth.), 1999
Spectral methods in surface superconductivity
Søren Fournais, 2009