انتشارات Birkhauser Verlag Gmbh

An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases
Ole Christensen, 2016
Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities: Parks, Streetscapes, Ecosystems
Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Puay Yok Tan, 2019
Illuminating : natural light in residential architecture
Klaus Spechtenhauser; Michelle Corrodi; ; Gerhard Auer, 2008
Analyse fonctionnelle : Théorie constructive des espaces linéaires à semi-normes / Tome 1, Théorie générale.
Garnir, Henri G.; Schmets, Jean; De Wilde, Marc., 1968
Analyse fonctionnelle : Théorie constructive des espaces linéaires à semi-normes / Tome 1, Théorie générale.
Garnir, Henri G.; Schmets, Jean; De Wilde, Marc., 1968
Hilbert space, boundary value problems, and orthogonal polynomials
A.M. Krall, 2002
A Primer of Real Analytic Functions
Steven G. Krantz, Harold R. Parks, 1992
A primer of real analytic functions
Steven G. Krantz, Harold R. Parks, 1992
A Primer of Real Analytic Functions (Birkhauser Advanced Textbooks)
Steven G. Krantz, Harold R. Parks, 1992
Gian-Carlo on Combinatorics: Introductory Papers and Commentaries
Joseph P.S. Kung, 1995
Dynamical systems of algebraic origin
Klaus Schmidt, 1995
Classes of linear operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, M. A. Kaashoek, 1990
Classes of linear operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, M. A. Kaashoek, 1993
Recent advances in operator theory and its applications: the Israel Gohberg anniversary volume: International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, IWOTA 2003, Cagliari, Italy
Marinus A. Kaashoek, Sebastiano Seatzu, Cornelis van der Mee, 2005
H-optimal control and related minimax design problems
Tamer Basar, P. Bernhard, 1991
Group-based cryptography
Alexei Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain, Alexander Ushakov, 2008
Fünfzig Jahre Relativitätstheorie / Cinquantenaire de la Théorie de la Relativité / Jubilee of Relativity Theory
Mercier,A. Kervaire,M. (eds.), 1956
Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation
Franziska Klügl, Ana Bazzan, Sascha Ossowski, 2005
A primer of real analytic functions
Steven G. Krantz, 1992
Generalized Etale Cohomology Theories
J. F. Jardine, 1997
Operator theory, systems theory, and scattering theory: multidimensional generalizations
Daniel Alpay, Victor Vinnikov, 2005
The state space method: generalizations and applications
Daniel Alpay; Israel Gohberg, 2006
Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Nahum Krupnik, 2000