انتشارات Birkhauser

Classes of Linear Operators Vol. II
Israel Gohberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Seymour Goldberg (auth.), 1993
Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Nahum Krupnik, 2000
Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Nahum Krupnik, 2000
Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory: A Volume in Honor of Diederich Hinrichsen
Anthony J. Pritchard (auth.), Fritz Colonius, Uwe Helmke, Dieter Prätzel-Wolters, Fabian Wirth (eds.), 2001
Antlitze Grosser Schöpfer
Bettina Holzapfel (auth.), Heinz Balmer (eds.), 1961
Molecular Biology of the Lung: Volume II: Asthma and Cancer
Joanne T. Douglas, David T. Curiel (auth.), Prof. Robert A. Stockley (eds.), 1999
Einspannvorrichtung für Zugversuche an Holzproben grösseren Querschnitts
René Steiger, Ernst Gehri, Hanspeter Arm (auth.), 1994
AUSgebrütet — Argumente zur Brutreaktorpolitik
Klaus Traube (auth.), Klaus M. Meyer-Abich, Reinhard Ueberhorst (eds.), 1985
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume II: Epidemiology, Evolution and Ecology,Immunology, Neural Systems and the Brain, and Innovative Mathematical Methods
Robert J. Smith (auth.), Andreas Deutsch, Rafael Bravo de la Parra, Rob J. de Boer, Odo Diekmann, Peter Jagers, Eva Kisdi, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Petr Lansky, Hans Metz (eds.), 2008
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
Classes of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymor Goldberg, Marinus Kaashoek, 1990
Classes of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymor Goldberg, Marinus Kaashoek, 1993
Contributions to Operator Theory in Spaces with an Indefinite Metric: The Heinz Langer Anniversary Volume
Aad Dijksma, Israel Gohberg (auth.), Aalt Dijksma, Israel Gohberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Reinhard Mennicken (eds.), 1998
Convolution equations and singular integral operators. Selected papers of Israel Gohberg
Lerer L., et al. (eds.), 2010
Convolution Equations and Singular Integral Operators: Selected Papers of Israel Gohberg and Georg Heinig Israel Gohberg and Nahum Krupnik
Leonid Lerer, Vadim Olshevsky (auth.), Leonid Lerer, Vadim Olshevsky, Ilya M. Spitkovsky (eds.), 2010
Extension and Interpolation of Linear Operators and Matrix Functions
Daniel Alpay, Joseph A. Ball, Israel Gohberg (auth.), Prof. I. Gohberg (eds.), 1990
Factorization and Integrable Systems: Summer School in Faro, Portugal, September 2000
I. Gohberg, M. A. Kaashoek, I. M. Spitkovsky (auth.), Israel Gohberg, Nenad Manojlovic, António Ferreira dos Santos (eds.), 2003
Factorization of Matrix Functions and Singular Integral Operators
Prof. Kevin F. Clancey, Prof. Israel Gohberg (auth.), 1981
Holomorphic Operator Functions of One Variable and Applications: Methods from Complex Analysis in Several Variables
Israel Gohberg, Jürgen Leiterer (auth.), 2009
A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller
Amy C. Edmondson (auth.), 1986
AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues
Mitchell H. Gail, Philip S. Rosenberg (auth.), Nicholas P. Jewell, Klaus Dietz, Vernon T. Farewell (eds.), 1992