انتشارات Bloomsbury Academic, An Imprint Of Bloomsbury Pub.

Alexander the Great : themes and issues
the Great Alexander; the Great Alexander, Makedonien König Alexander III; Anson, Edward, 2013
Dark energy : Hitchcock's absolute camera and the physics of cinematic spacetime
Hitchcock, Alfred; Skerry, Philip J.; Hitchcock, Alfred, 2013
Language lost and found : on Iris Murdoch and the limits of philosophical discourse
Murdoch, Iris; Murdoch, Iris; Forsberg, Niklas, 2013
Language lost and found : on Iris Murdoch and the limits of philosophical discourse
Murdoch, Iris; Murdoch, Iris; Forsberg, Niklas, 2013
Consuming higher education : why learning can't be bought
Williams, Joanna, 2013
Adaptation theory and criticism : postmodern literature and cinema in the USA / Gordon E. Slethaug
Gordon E. Slethaug, 2014
Marx and Russia : the fate of a doctrine
White, James D., 2018