انتشارات Bloomsbury Usa Academic

Ethics Without Intention
Ezio Di Nucci, 2014
European Perspectives on the New Comparative Theology
Francis X. Clooney &
Everybody's Jane: Austen in the Popular Imagination
Juliette Wells, 2012
Everyday Examples: An Introduction to Philosophy
David Cunning, 2015
Ex-centric Cinema: Giorgio Agamben and Film Archaeology
Janet Harbord, 2016
Experimental Film and Anthropology
Arnd Schneider, 2014
Critical Pedagogy for Social Justice
John Smyth
Critical Theory and the Digital
David M. Berry, 2014
Critical theory and the digital
Berry, 2014
Critical Theory in the Twenty-First Century
Darrow Schecter, 2013
Critical theory in the twenty-first century
Schecter, 2013
Critical Theory, Politics and Society: An Introduction
Peter Stirk, 2005
Cultural Studies and the Working Class: Subject to Change
Sally R. Munt, 2000
Dictionary of Early American Philosophers
John R. Shook, 2012
Digital Games and Learning
Paul Maharg, 2011
Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics
Jacques Rancière, 2010
Divine Self, Human Self: The Philosophy of Being in Two Gita Commentaries
Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, 2013
Drawing Borders: The American-Canadian Relationship during the Gilded Age
David R. Spencer, 2012
Dreams in American Television Narratives: From Dallas to Buffy
Cynthia Burkhead, 2014