انتشارات Brepols Publishers

Sacred Communities, Shared Devotions: Gender, Material Culture, and Monasticism in Late Medieval Germany (Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts) (Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 29)
J. Mecham, A. Beach (editor), C. Berman (editor), L. Bitel (editor), 2014
Ritorno alla Flat Tax: Un itinerario di Atene antica fra VII e IV secolo?
Michele R. Cataudella, 2021
Pilgrimage in the Christian Balkan World: The Path to Touch the Sacred and Holy
Dorina Dragnea (editor), Emmanouil Ger Varvounis (editor), Evelyn Reuter (editor), Susan Sorek (editor), 2023
Lettres et traités
Gerard Groote; Georgette Epiney-Burgard
Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies: Middle Ages-Twentieth Century (Rural History in Europe)
Erich Landsteiner, E. Landsteiner (editor), E. Langthaler (editor), 2010