انتشارات Buddhist Publication Society

Anapanasati - Mindfulness of Breathing
Bhikkhu Nanamoli, 1982
Matrceta's Hymn to the Buddha: English Rendering of the Satapancasatka
S. Dhammika, 1998
Buddhism in Sri Lanka: A Short History
H. R. Perera, 1966
Buddhism in a nutshell
Thera Narada, 1966
Buddhist Ceremonies and Rituals of Sri Lanka
A.G.S. Kariyawasam, 1998
Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines
Nyantiloka, 1998
Concept and Reality in Early Buddhist Thought: An Essay on Papanca and Papanca-Sanna-Sankha
Bhikkhu Nanananda, 1971/2012
Heart of Buddhist Meditation
Nyanaponika Thera, 1998
Sixty Songs of Milarepa
C. C. (Translated by) Chang, 1966
The 7 Stages of Purification and The Insight Knowledges
Venerable Matara Sri Nanarama Mahathera, 1983
The Dhamma theory : philosophical cornerstone of the Abhidhamma
Karunadasa, 1996
The Four Sublime States
Nyanatiloka A. Thera, 1998
The Great Discourse on Causation - The Mahānidāna Sutta and Its Commentaries
Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1995
The path of freedom (Vimuttimagga)
Soma Thera, 1995
The Path of Freedom: Vimuttimagga
Soma Thera, 1998
The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga
Acaeiya Buddhaghosa, 1999
The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga
By Bhadantācariya Buddhaghosa, 2010
Toxicological profiles - Selenium
Agency for Toxic Substances, 1989
King Asoka and Buddhism: Historical and Literary Studies
Richard Gombrich, 1994