انتشارات C Jade Publications Inc.

Westminster Patchwork and Quilting Book. Thirteen Designs
Kaffe Fassett, 2000
...And Kill MiGs - Aircraft Specials series
Lou Drendel, 1974
American Practical Navigator - Bowditch
Nathaniel Bowditch, 2010
Afghanistan War (America at War)
Rodney P. Carlisle, 2010
1001 Easy French Phrases
Heather McCoy, 2010
A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers
Tony Penston, 2005
Lingamasuri, 2015
Comparative Otomanguean Phonology
Calvin Rensch, 1976
Getting Started in Ladakhi: A Phrasebook for Learning Ladakhi
Rebecca Norman, 2005
Japanese Sentence Pattern Dictionary
Group Jamashii, 1998
Cocopa Dictionary
James M. Crawford, 1989
Explanation in Phonology
Paul Kiparsky, 1982
Fuyug grammar sketch
Robert L. Bradshaw., 2007.
A traveller’s true tale, translated by Alfred J. Church
Lucian of Samosata; Church, Alfred J. (trans.), 2000
Apology : minuscule script, edited by Ross G. Arthur
Plato; Arthur, Ross G. (ed.), 2002
Applied Magic and Aspects of Occultism
Dion Fortune, 1995
Blandin de Cornoalha and Guilhot de Miramar, translated by Ross G. Arthur
Arthur, Ross G. (trans.), 2000
Fair ladies at a game of poem-cards (Kaoyo Utagaruta), translated by Asataro Miyamori, revised by Robert Nichols
Chikamatsu; Miyamori, Asataro (trans.); Nichols, Robert (trans.), 2000
Bloom's How to Write About Gabriel Garc¡a Marquez (Bloom's How to Write About Literature)
Eric L. Reinholtz, 2009
Bloom's How to Write About George Orwell (Bloom's How to Write About Literature)
Kim E. Becnel, 2010