انتشارات Cambridge Univ Pr

Acta Numerica 2003: Volume 12 (Acta Numerica)
Arieh Iserles, 2003
Acta Numerica 2004: Volume 13 (Acta Numerica)
Arieh Iserles, 2004
A theory of case-based decisions
Itzhak Gilboa, David Schmeidler, 2001
2-knots and their groups
Jonathan A. Hillman, 1989
Anaesthetic and Perioperative Complications
K. Valchanov, S. T. Webb, J. Sturgess (eds.), 2011
Anesthesia for Otolaryngologic Surgery
Basem Abdelmalak, John Doyle, 2012
Atlas of Gross Pathology: With Histologic Correlation
Alan G. Rose, 2008
A Dictionary of Bible Plants
Lytton John Musselman, 2011
A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia
Bina Agarwal, 1995
Democracy and Media Decadence
John Keane, 2013
A Pack of Lies: Towards a Sociology of Lying
J. A. Barnes, 1994
'Scaling phenomena in fluid mechanics'
Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt, 1994
Accretion processes in star formation
Lee Hartmann, 2001
Accretion processes in star formation
Lee Hartmann, 2007
Accretion Processes in Star Formation
Lee Hartmann, 2009
Accretion Processes in Star Formation
Lee Hartmann, 2008
A Question and Answer Guide to Astronomy
Pierre-Yves Bely, Carol Christian, Jean-Rene Roy, 2010
A Question and Answer Guide to Astronomy
Pierre-Yves Bely, Carol Christian, Jean-René Roy, 2010
3-D Seismic Interpretation
M. Bacon, R. Simm, T. Redshaw, 2003
Principles of Seismology
Agustin Udías, 2000
Viscoelastic Materials
Roderic Lakes, 2009