انتشارات Cambridge University Pess

9/11: Mental Health in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks
Yuval Neria, Raz Gross, Randall Marshall, 2006
Aids Rhetoric and Medical Knowledge
Alex Preda, 2004
An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine
Swaminatha V. Mahadevan, Gus M. Garmel, 2005
Applied Radiological Anatomy
Paul Butler, Adam W. M. Mitchell, Harold Ellis, 1999
Atlas of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Anatomy
Mike Bradley, Paul O'Donnell, 2010
Atlas of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Anatomy
Dr Mike Bradley FRCR, Dr Paul O'Donnell FRCR, 2004
Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism
Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey Michael Gadd, 2008
Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism
Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey Michael Gadd, 2008
Essential Radiological Anatomy for the MRCS
Stuart Currie BSc MB ChB MRCS, Steven Kennish MB ChB MRCS, Karen Flood BMedSci BM BS MRCS, 2009
Eye for an Eye
William Ian Miller, 2005
Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia (Cambridge Clinical Guides)
Johan Raeder, 2010
Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook
Gail A. Van Norman et al. (eds.), 2010
Core Clinical Competencies in Anesthesiology: A Case-based Approach
Christopher J. Gallagher, Michael C. Lewis, Deborah A. Schwengel, 2010
Core Topics in Airway Management
Ian Calder, Adrian Pearce, 2011
Core Topics in Cardiac Anesthesia
Jonathan H. Mackay, Dr Joseph E. Arrowsmith, 2012
Core Topics in Thoracic Anesthesia
Cait P. Searl, Sameena T. Ahmed, 2009
Core Topics in Vascular Anaesthesia
Carl Moores, Alastair F. Nimmo, 2012
Dr Podcast Scripts for the Final FRCA
Rebecca A. Leslie, Emily K. Johnson, Gary Thomas, Alexander P. L. Goodwin, 2011
Dr Podcast Scripts for the Primary FRCA
Rebecca A. Leslie, Emily K. Johnson, Alexander P. L. Goodwin, 2011
Moderate and Deep Sedation in Clinical Practice
Richard D. Urman, Alan D. Kaye, 2012
Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders
David R. Gambling, M. Joanne Douglas, Robert S. F. McKay, 2008
Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
T. E. Peck, S. A. Hill, 2014