انتشارات Cambridge University Pess

British or American English? : a handbook of word and grammar patterns
Algeo, John, 2006
An introduction to parallel and vector scientific computing
Ronald W. Shonkwiler, Lew Lefton, 2006
An introduction to parallel and vector scientific computing
Ronald W. Shonkwiler, Lew Lefton, 2006
Analysis of Panel Data (Econometric Society Monographs)
Cheng Hsiao, 2003
Analyzing Linguistic Data
R. H. Baayen, 2008
Applied Linear Models with SAS
Daniel Zelterman, 2010
A first course in statistical programming with R
W. John Braun, Duncan J. Murdoch, 2007
A first course in statistical programming with R
W. John Braun, Duncan J. Murdoch, 2008
Modern Compiler Implementation in C
Andrew W. Appel, Maia Ginsburg, 2004
Modern Compiler Implementation in Java
Andrew W. Appel, Jens Palsberg, 2002
The Elements of UML Style
Scott W. Ambler, 2005
The elements of UML style
Scott W. Ambler, 2003
The Elements of UML TM 2.0 Style
Scott W. Ambler, 2005
The Object Primer: Agile Model-Driven Development with UML 2.0
Scott W. Ambler, 2004
English Grammar in Use, New edition, With Answers - 2nd Edition (Intermediate Level)
Raymond Murphy, 2001
English Grammar in Use. 4-edition
Murphy R., 2012
English grammar in use: a self-study guide
Raymond Murphy, 1994
English Grammar: An Outline
Rodney Huddleston, 1988