انتشارات Cambridge University Press And The Open University

Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy
Robert L. Evans, 2007
Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy
Robert L. Evans, 2007
Mass and Heat Transfer: Analysis of Mass Contactors and Heat Exchangers
T. W. Fraser Russell, 2008
New Directions in Solid State Chemistry
C. N. R. Rao, J. Gopalakrishnan, 1997
Metal forming: mechanics and metallurgy
William F. Hosford, Robert M. Caddell, 2007
Conquest in Cyberspace - National Security and Information Warfare
Martin C. Libicki, 2007
Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare
Martin C. Libicki, 2007
Carbon nanotube science: synthesis, properties and applications
Peter J. F. Harris, 2009
Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility: Oil Multinationals and Social Challenges
Jedrzej George Frynas, 2009
Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles
Odd M. Faltinsen, 2006
Britain soviet collapse versailles
Keith Neilson, 2006
Linear water waves: a mathematical approach
N. Kuznetsov, V. Maz'ya, B. Vainberg, 2002
Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts
Jerome Delli Priscoli, Aaron T. Wolf, 2009
Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty, and Robustness of Water Resource Systems
Janos J. Bogardi, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Art in England, 1821-1837 / Искусство Англии 1821-1837 гг.
William T. Whitley, 1930
Art in the Hellenistic age
Pollitt Jerome Jordan, 1986
Explanation and Value in the Arts (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and the Arts)
Salim Kemal, Ivan Gaskell, 1993
Australian Cinema After Mabo
Felicity Collins, Therese Davis, 2004
Crime Films
Thomas Leitch, 2002
Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome: Innovations in Context
Lynne C. Lancaster, 2005
Foundations of Music History
Carl Dahlhaus, J. B. Robinson, 1983
Music in the Seventeenth Century
Lorenzo Bianconi, David Bryant, 1987