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Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in Folkestone & Dover
Martin Easdown, 2013
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in Guernsey
Glynis Cooper, 2013
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in Guildford
Caroline Maxton, 2013
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in South Yorkshire
Geoffrey Howse, 2013
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in Suffolk
Mark Mower, 2013
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths Around Brighton
Douglas d"Enno, 2013
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths Around Pontefract & Castleford
Keith Henson, 2004
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in and Around Barnsley
Geoffrey Howse, 2007
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in and Around Durham
Maureen Anderson, 2003
Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in and around Halifax
Stephen Wade, 2004
Yorkshire's Hangman
Stephen Wade, 2012
Yorkshire's Multiple Killers. Yorkshire Cases c.1915-2006
Charles Rickall, 2013
Yorkshire's Murderous Women
Stephen Wade, 2013
Rotherham Murders. A Half-Century of Serious Crime 1900-1950
Margaret Drinkall, 2013
Royal Flying Corps
Alistair Smith, 2012
SISTERS IN ARMS: British & American Women Pilots During World War II
Helena Schrader, 2006
SS-Wiking: The History of the 5th SS Division 1941-45
Rupert Butler, 2002
Stuka: Hitler’s Lethal Dive Bomber
Alistair Smith, 2013
The ABC of Sunday Matters. Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for Year A, B, and C
Mark O"Brien OP, 2013
The Ardennes, 1944-1945: Hitler's Winter Offensive
Christer Bergstrom, 2014
The Attack on Pearl Harbor: Strategy, Combat, Myths, Deceptions
Alan Zimm, 2011
The Brave Blue Line. 100 Years of Metropolitan Police Gallantry
Dick Kirby, 2011
The Drive on Moscow, 1941: Operation Taifun and Germany's First Great Crisis of World War II
Niklas Zetterling, 2012