انتشارات Catholic University Of America Press

The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas Joseph White, 2017
Eighty-three different questions
Saint Augustine of Hippo, 1982
Glaphyra on the Pentateuch, Volume 1
Lunn, Nicholas P.; St. Cyril of Alexandria, St, 2019
History of the church
Amidon, Philip R.; Caesariensis Eusebius; Aquileiensis Rufinus, 2016
Modern Enlightenment and the Rule of Reason
John C. McCarthy (Editor), 2018
La voie d’enfer et de paradis: an unpublished poem of the fourteenth century by Jehan de Le Mote
Jehan de Le Mote; M. Aquiline Pety, 1940
Four anti-Pelagian writings
Saint Augustine of Hippo; Collinge, William J.; Mourant, John Arthur, 2013
The minor works
Lactantius; McDonald, Mary Francis, 1965
Seven exegetical works : Isaac, or the soul, Death as good, Jacob and the happy life, Joseph, the patriarchs, Flight from the world, the prayer of Job and David
Saint Bishop of Milan Ambrose; McHugh, Michael P., 1972
The Trinity, the spectacles, Jewish foods, In praise of purity, Letters
DeSimone, Russell J.; Novatianus., 1974
Tyconius of Carthage - Exposition of the Apocalypse
Tyconius of Carthage, 2017
The Ethics of Organ Transplantation
Steven J. Jensen (ed.), 2011
The City of God, Books VIII–XVI
Saint Augustine, Saint Bishop of Hippo. Augustine; Gilson, Etienne, 2008
The city of God. Books I-VII
Zema, Demetrius B.; Walsh, Gerald G.; of Hippo Saint Augustine; Gilson, Etienne, 2008
The city of God. Books XVII-XXII
Saint Augustine; Honan, Daniel J.; Walsh, Gerald Groveland; of Hippo Saint Augustine, 2008
Saint Augustine of Hippo(Vernon J. Bourke (Translator), 1966
The Life of Saint Severin
Eugippius (Krestan, Ludmilla. Bieler, Ludwig), 1965
Abortion and Unborn Human Life
Patrick Lee, 2010
Sermons. Volume 1 (1-80)
Saint Caesarius of Arles, Mary Magdeleine Mueller (transl.), 2004
Sermons. Volume 2 (81-186)
Saint Caesarius of Arles, Mary Magdeleine Mueller (transl.), 1981
Sermons. Volume 3 (187-238)
Saint Caesarius of Arles, Mary Magdeleine Mueller (transl.), 2004
The Chronicle of the Czechs
Cosmas of Prague, Lisa Wolverton (transl.), 2009
Language and human understanding : the roots of creativity in speech and thought
Braine, David, 2014
Religious Experience in the Work of Richard Wagner
Marcel Hébert, 2015