انتشارات Catholic University America Pr

On the Lord's Appearing: An Essay on Prayer and Tradition
Jonathan Robinson, 1997
The Intimate Strangeness of Being: Metaphysics After Dialectic
William D. Desmond, 2012
Reason, Revelation, and Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies
Montague Brown, 2020
Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy
José M. Sánchez, 2002
Be Opened!: The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture
Lana Portolano, Marlana Portolano, 2020
Canon Law and Cloistered Women: Periculoso and Its Commentators, 1298-1545
Elizabeth Makowski, 1997
Reading Patristic Texts on Social Ethics: Issues and Challenges for Twenty-First-Century Christian Social Thought
Johan Leemans (editor), Brian J. Matz (editor), Johan Verstraeten (editor), 2011
Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War
Joseph T. Stuart, 2022
The Universe We Think In
James V. Schall, 2018
The Nature of Political Philosophy: And Other Studies and Commentaries
James V. Schall, 2022
The Mind That Is Catholic: Philosophical and Political Essays
James V. Schall, 2008
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 2: Spiritual Master
Jean-Pierre Torrell, 2003
The Vision of the Soul: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the Western Tradition
James Matthew Wilson, 2017
The Theological-Political Origins of the Modern State: The Controversy between James I of England and Cardinal Bellarmine
Bernard Bourdin, Susan Pickford (translator), 2010
The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Political Philosophy
John von Heyking (editor), Thomas Heilke (editor), Thomas W. Heilke (editor), 2013
Sin: A Thomistic Psychology
Steven J. Jensen, 2018
Inquiry about the Monks in Egypt
Rufinus of Aquileia, 2019
The Rose and Geryon: The Poetics of Fraud and Violence in Jean de Meun and Dante
Gabriella Baika, 2014
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 1: The Person and His Work
Jean-Pierre Torrell, 1996
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 1: The Person and His Work
Jean-Pierre Torrell, 2023
The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905-1971
Jeremy Bonner, 2007
Renewing Our Hope: Essays for the New Evangelization
Robert Barron, 2020
The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Volume 1: Procatechesis and Catecheses 1-12
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, 1969