انتشارات Cavendish Pub Ltd

Sourcebook on Criminal Law
Michael T. Molan, 2001
Principles of Land Law (Principles of Law)
Martin Dixon, 2002
International trade and business law journal
Australian Institute of Foreign, 1995
Statutes and conventions on international trade law
Indira Carr, 2003
Law and the beautiful soul
Norrie, Alan W., 2005
Men Misbehaving. Men who Commit Murder, Fraud and Other Crimes in Singapore
Yeo Suan Futt, 2014
50 Years of Malaysia. Federalism Revisited
Andrew J. Harding,James Chin, 2015
CultureShock! Saudi Arabia. A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
Peter North,Harvey Tripp, 2013
CultureShock! New Zealand
Peter Oettli, 2012
Cook Japanese with Tamako: Hearty Meals for the Whole Family
Tamako Sakamoto, 2014
CultureShock! San Francisco. A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
Frances Gendlin, 2013
CultureShock! Ireland
Patricia Levy, 2008
CultureShock! Ecuador
Nicholas Crowder, 2012
CultureShock! Morocco
Orin Hargraves, 2012