انتشارات Cbs Publishers

Interacting with Information (Synthesis Lectures on Human-Cenered Informatics)
Ann Blandford, Simon Attfield, John M. Carroll, 2010
Agriculture, peasantry and poverty in Turkey in the neo-liberal age
Murat Öztürk, 2012
The Islamic World and the West: An Introduction to Political Cultures and International Relations
Kai Hafez, Mary Ann Kenny, Mary Ann Kenny, Mohammed Arkoun, Udo Steinbach, 2000
When power corrupts: academic governing boards in the shadow of the Adelphi case
Lionel Stanley Lewis, 2000
Corporate Governance and Firm Performance (The Research Foundation of AIMR and Blackwell Series in Finance)
Jonathan Karpoff, M. Wayne Marr Jr., Morris Danielson, 2000
Beyond the Bottom Line 2: Do We Really Want Constant Change?
Theodore E. Zorn, George Cheney, Lars Thoger Christensen, 2000
Health and happiness from meaningful work: research in quality of working life
Søren Ventegodt, Joav Merrick, 2009
Health and Happiness from Meaningful Work: Research in Quality of Working Life
Sren Ventegodt, 2009
Kitchen Secrets: The Meaning of Cooking in Everyday Life
Frances Short, 2006
The Power of Purpose: Creating Meaning in Your Life and Work
Richard J Leider, 1997
Manual of Electrophysiology
Kanu Chatterjee, Mark Anderson, Donald Heistad, Richard E. Kerber, 2015
Prisoners of our thoughts: Viktor Frankl's principles for discovering meaning in life and work
Alex Pattakos, Stephen R. Covey, 2008
AACN Protocols for Practice: Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients, 2nd Edition
Editor: Suzanne M. Burns, 2006
1,000 ideas by 100 manga artists
Cristian Campos, 2011
Game Design Theory and Practice
Richard Rouse III, 2004
"Legenda Christiani" and Modern Historiography
David Kalhous, 2015
A dictionary of neurological signs : clinical neurosemiology
AJ Larner, 2001
A Guide to Physics Problems. part 12 Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics
S.Cahn, B.Nadgorny, 2004
A Many-Valued Approach to Deduction and Reasoning for Artificial Intelligence
Cary G. deBessonet, 1991
A practical approach to microarray data analysis
Berrar, Dubitzky, Granzow., 2003
Building the Global Fiber Optics Superhighway
C. David Chaffee, 2001
Controlled structures with electromechanical and fiber-optical sensors
Yuri Melashvili, 2009
Advanced Metasearch Engine Technology
Weiyi Meng, Clement Yu, M. Tamer Ozsu, 2010