انتشارات Cengage Learning, Inc.

Contemporary Marketing
Louis E. Boone, 2011
Contemporary Marketing
Louis E. Boone, 2009
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Fish and Seafood Identification, Fabrication and Utilization
Culinary Institute of America, 2009
Historia del pensamiento económico
Brue, Stanley, 2013
Novo Dicionário de Expressőes Idiomáticas Americanas
Luiz Lugani Gomes, 2003
Probabilidad y estadística para ingeniería y ciencias
Jay L Devore, 2005
Ricky W. Griffin, 2012
Vocabulary matrix: understanding, learning, teaching
Michael McCarthy, 2010
Elements of Modern Algebra
Linda Gilbert, 2008
Elements of Modern Algebra
Linda Gilbert, 2014
Psychology, 8th Edition
Douglas Bernstein, 2007
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind
John Cacioppo, 2012
Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind
John Cacioppo, 2012
Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practices
Sterling K. Berberian, 2002
Nutrition through the life cycle (3rd Edition)
Judith E. Brown, 2007
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle - Fourth Edition
Judith E. Brown, 2010
Developing Chinese Fluency - Workbook
Phyllis Ni Zhang, 2010
Computer Forensics: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime
EC-Council, 2009
Coffman's method of conduit bending
Ronald S Coffman, 2009
Themes in Chinese Psychology
Catherine Tien-Lun Sun, 2008