انتشارات Centre For Mathematical Analysis, Australian Natio

A Chinese-English mathematics primer
William Andrew Coppel, 1989
Conference on Automatic Continuity and Banach Algebras, Canberra, January 1989
Richard J Loy, 1989
Miniconference on linear analysis and function spaces, Canberra, October 18-20, 1984
Alan G R McIntosh, Alan J Pryde (Eds.), 1985
Spectral perturbation and approximation with numerical experiments
Balmohan Vishnu Limaye, 1987
Workshop/Miniconference on Functional Analysis and Optimization, Canberra, 8-24 August, 1988
Simon P Fitzpatrick, John R Giles (Eds.), 1988
Contributions of mathematical analysis to the numerical solution of partial differential equations
Anthony Miller (Ed.), 1984
Mathematical programming and numerical analysis workshop, Canberra, December 6-8, 1983
Sven-Åke Gustafson, R S Womersley, 1984
Mathematical programming and numerical analysis workshop, Canberra, December 6-8, 1983
Sven-Åke Gustafson, R S Womersley (Eds.), 1984
Miniconference on operator theory and partial differential equations, Canberra, July 21-22, 1983
Brian Jefferies, Alan McIntosh, 1984
Miniconference on operator theory and partial differential equations, Canberra, July 21-22, 1983
Brian Jefferies, Alan McIntosh, 1984
Miniconference on operator theory and partial differential equations, Macquarie University, September 8-10, 1986
Brian Jefferies, Alan McIntosh, Werner Ricker (Eds.), 1986
Miniconference on Operators in Analysis, Macquarie University, Sydney, N.S.W., September 25-27, 1989
Ian Doust, Brian Jefferies, Chun Li, Alan McIntosh (Eds.), 1990
Basic theory of one-parameter semigroups
Derek W Robinson, 1982
Basic theory of one-parameter semigroups
Derek W Robinson, 1982
Conference on Mathematical Relativity, Canberra, July 1988
Robert Bartnik (Ed.), 1988
Contributions of mathematical analysis to the numerical solution of partial differential equations
Anthony Miller (Ed.), 1984
Harmonic mappings between Riemannian manifolds
Jü̈rgen Jost, 1983
IGBP Workshop 13 on Mathematical and Statistical Modelling of Global Change Processes, Canberra, 23-27 April, 1990
Geoffrey Arthur Latham, 1990
Lectures on geometric measure theory
Leon Simon, 1983