انتشارات Chemical Society

Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications
Warren N. Herman, Steven R. Flom,, 2010
Controlled-Release Technology. Pharmaceutical Applications
Ping I. Lee, 1987
Formaldehyde Release from Wood Products
B. Meyer, B. A. Kottes Andrews,, 1986
Separation of Hydrogen Isotopes
Howard K. Rae (Eds.), 1978
Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms. Similarities and Divergences
J. Christopher Hall, Robert E. Hoagland,, 2001
Chemistry of Wine Flavor
Andrew L. Waterhouse, 1998
Teaching and learning about sustainability
Levy, Irvin Jay, 2015
Liquid Membranes. Theory and Applications
Richard D. Noble, 1987
Mesomorphic Order in Polymers. and Polymerization in Liquid Crystalline Media
Alexandre Blumstein (Eds.), 1978
New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy
Katrin Kneipp, Ricardo Aroca, Harald Kneipp,, 2007
Controlled Release Pesticides
Herbert B. Scher (Eds.), 1977
Intelligent Materials for Controlled Release
Steven M. Dinh, John D. DeNuzzio,, 1999
Conducting Polymers and Polymer Electrolytes. From Biology to Photovoltaics
Judith F. Rubinson, 2003![Pedagogic roles of animations and simulations in chemistry courses [symposium]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/6/640185-n.jpg)
Pedagogic roles of animations and simulations in chemistry courses [symposium]
Sanger, Michael J., 2013
Polymerization Reactors and Processes
J. Neil Henderson, 1979
Efficiency and Costing. Second Law Analysis of Processes
Richard A. Gaggioli (Eds.), 1983
The Science of Global Change. The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment
David A. Dunnette, 1992
Catalytic Materials: Relationship Between Structure and Reactivity
Thaddeus E. Whyte, Jr., Ralph A. Dalla Betta, Eric G. Derouane,, 1984
Polymeric Reagents and Catalysts
Warren T. Ford (Eds.), 1986
Aquatic Redox Chemistry
Paul G. Tratnyek, Timothy J. Grundl,, 2011
Toughened Plastics I: Science and Engineering (Advances in Chemistry 233)
C. Keith Riew, 1993
Toughened Plastics II: Novel Approaches in Science and Engineering
C. Keith Riew, 1996
Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities. Safety and Engineering Design
Ralph A. Scott, 1979