انتشارات Chess Digest, Inc

An Unbeatable White Repertoire After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3
Ken Smith Larry Evans, 1988
Ya. Neishtadt, 1972
The Stonewall Attack
Andrew Soltis, 1993
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation (Subtitle: Fischer's Weapon)
Andrew Soltis, 1992
Chess Tactics for Advanced Players
Yuri Averbakh, 1992
Modern Middlegame Lessons
Larry Evans; Jeremy Silman; Ken Evans, 1994
American chess art : 250 portraits of endgame study
Korn, Walter, 1995
Alekhine vs. Euwe Return Match 1937
M. M Botvinnik, 1973
Black Defensive System For The Rest Of Your Chess Career
Andy Soltis, 1997
Winning with the Giuoco Piano and the Max Lange Attack
Andrew Soltis, 1996
Combinations in the middlegame: theory and exercises
Igorʹ Zakharovich Bondarevskiĭ, 1993
Beating the French Defense with the Advance Variation
Andy Soltis, 1993
Beating the French Defense with the Advance Variation
Andrew Soltis, 1993
Beating the Ruy Lopez with the Fianchetto Variation
Andrew Soltis, 1994
Modern art of attack
Ken Smith, 1988
Middlegame laboratory
Suetin Alexey, 1974
Test your opening, middlegame and endgame play
DeVault, Roy; Smith, Kenneth Ray, 1992
Test your opening, middlegame and endgame play. Volume II
DeVault, Roy; Smith, Ken, 1994
Modern Art Of Attack
Ken Smith; John Hall, 1988
Strategy for advanced players
Schiller, Eric, 1992
My love affair with Tchigorin
Santasiere Anthony Edward, 1995
The Tarrasch formula
Ishee, Mark; Palatnik, Sam, 2003