انتشارات Churchill Livingstone

Clinical doppler ultrasound
Allan, Paul L.; Pozniak, Myron A., 2014
Neale’s Disorders of the Foot
Paul Frowen, Maureen O’Donnell, Donald Lorimer, Gordon Burrow, 2010
Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Made Easy
S. Sufyan Hussain, Nick Oliver, David C Klonoff, 2016
Diagnostic Cytopathology: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Winifred Gray; Gabrijela Kocjan, 2010
Using Evidence to Guide Nursing Practice
Mary Courtney, Helen McCutcheon, 2009
Ophthalmology : An Illustrated Colour Text
Bowling, Bradley; Murphy, Conor; Batterbury, Mark, 2010
Clinical Ultrasound. Two Volumes
Paul L.Allan at al., 2011
Traction and orthopedic appliances
Stewart; Hallett
Pearson’s Thoracic and Esophageal Surgery
G. Alexander Patterson et al., 2008
Last’s Anatomy: Regional and Applied
Chummy S. Sinnatamby, 2011
Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide
Giovanni Maciocia; Julian Scott, 2004
The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs
Giovanni Maciocia, 2007
Obstetrics & Gynecology in Chinese Medicine
Giovanni Maciocia, 1998
The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists
Giovanni Maciocia; Su Xin Ming, 2005
Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine
Peter Cameron; George Jelinek; Anne-Maree Kelly; Anthony F.T. Brown; Mark Little, 2014
Miller’s anesthesia
Miller, Ronald D., 2005
Miller’s anesthesia.
Ronald D. Miller et al. (eds.), 2010
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes cardiac surgery
Kouchoukos, Nicholas T., 2003
Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists
Luise Wörle , Erik Pfeiff, 2010
Comprehensive gynecology
Katz, Vern L., 2007
Pass the PSA
Will Brown; Kevin W Loudon; James Fisher; Laura B. Marsland, 2014
Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology Flash Cards
Dale, M.M., Haylett, D.G., 2014
Differential Diagnosis
Andrew T Raftery, Eric Lim, Andrew J K Ostor, 2014