انتشارات Clarendon Press

Roman Papers
Ronald Syme, 1988
Roman Papers
Ronald Syme, 1979
Roman Papers
Ronald Syme, 1979
Roman Papers
Ronald Syme, 1984
Roman Papers
Ronald Syme, 1988
The Works of Ausonius
Decimus Magnus Ausonius, 1991
Thinkers of the Twenty Years’ Crisis: Inter-War Idealism Reassessed
David Long, 1996
Time and Modality (John Locke Lecture)
Arthur N. Prior, 1957
Time and modality (John Locke lectures)
Arthur N Prior, 1957
Topics in Stoic Philosophy
Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.), 1999
Truth, Language, and History
Donald Davidson, 2005
Truth, Language, and History (Philosophical Essays)
Donald Davidson, 2005
Type-theoretical grammar
Aarne Ranta, 1995
Petronius: Cena Trimalchionis
Petronius Arbiter, 1975
Phenomenology of spirit
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1977
Pherekydes of Syros
Hermann S. Schibli, 1990
Philosophical Grounds of Rationality: Intentions, Categories, Ends
Richard E. Grandy, 1986
Physical properties of crystals
John F Nye, 1985
Physics: Books III and IV
Aristotle, 1983
Plant life forms
Raunkiaer С, 1937
Plato's Method of Dialectic
Julius Stenzel, 1940