انتشارات Clarendon

Ramsey's Legacy
Lillehammer, Hallvard; Mellor, D. H.; Ramsey, Frank Plumpton(eds.), 2005
Conceptions of Truth
Wolfgang Künne, 2005
Banach and Locally Convex Algebras
West, A.; Helemskij, Aleksandr Jakovlevič, 1993
An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups
Meinolf Geck, 2003
Crusader Castles
T. E. Lawrence, 1988
The Spectator
Richard Steele, Joseph Addison; Donald F. Bond (ed.), 1987
Inventing the Barbarian: Greek Self-Definition through Tragedy
Edith Hall, 1989
An Introduction to the theory of groups of finite order
Harold Hilton, 1908
Iambi et elegi graeci ante Alexandrum cantati
West, Martin L. (ed.), 1998
Ammianus and the Historia Augusta
Syme, Ronald, 1968
General Theory of Norms
Hans Kelsen, 1991
The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine
James Gordley, 1993
Majnūn: The Madman in Medieval Islamic Society
Dols, Michael W., 1992
The Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall
Francis Bacon, Michael Kiernan, 2000
The Instauratio Magna: Last Writings
Francis Bacon, Graham Rees, 2000
Insight and Illusion. Themes in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.
P. M. S. Hacker, 1986
Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman
WATT, W. Montgomery, 1961
A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Style in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry
Carolyne Larrington, 1993
Kinds of Literature. An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes
Fowler, Alastair, 1982
An essay concerning human understanding
Locke, John; Nidditch, P. H., 1975
Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire
Peter Garnsey, 1970
Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire
Peter Garnsey, 1970
Miasma: Pollution and Purification in Early Greek Religion
Parker, Robert, 1983
Averil Cameron, 1970