انتشارات College Press

Existentialist Theology of Paul Tillich
Bernard Martin, 1963
Using Counter-examples in Calculus
John H Mason, 2009
Nanoporous materials: science and engineering
G. Q. Lu, 2004
“The Having of Wonderful Ideas” and Other Essays on Teaching and Learning
Eleanor Ruth Duckworth, 2006
Writing America: Classroom Literacy and Public Engagement
Sarah Robbins, 2005
Information Theory and the Central Limit Theorem
Oliver Johnson, 2004
The Quantum Adventure: Does God Play Dice?
Alex Montwill, 2011
Powerful Reforms with Shallow Roots: Improving America's Urban Schools
Larry Cuban, 2002
Introduction to the philosophy of social research
Malcolm Williams, 1996
Five T'ang Poets
Wang Wei, 1990
The Malaria Genome Projects: Promise, Progress, and Prospects
Irwin W Sherman, 2012
Beamforming : sensor signal processing for defence applications
Athanassios Manikas, 2015
Basic Space Plasma Physics
W. Baumjohann, 1996
Classical mechanics
Tom W B Kibble, 2004
Classical Mechanics
Tom W B Kibble, 2004
Correlation and dependence
Dominique Drouet Mari, 2001
Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists
S. Doniach, 1998
Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists
S. Doniach, 1998