انتشارات Columbia Univ Pr City

Foucault at the Movies
Michel Foucault, Patrice Maniglier, Dork Zabunyan, 2018
Los dioses y el señor
Raymond Panikkar, 1967
Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs
Paul Willis, Stanley Aronowitz, 1981
Técnica y tiempo
Raymond Panikkar, 1967
Eqbal Ahmad: Critical Outsider in a Turbulent Age
Stuart Schaar, 2015
Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities
Anaheed Al-Hardan, 2016
Silencing the Bomb: One Scientist’s Quest to Halt Nuclear Testing
Lynn R. Sykes, 2017
Active Social Capital: Tracing the Roots of Development and Democracy
Anirudh Krishna, 2002
Sovereignty: The Origin and Future of a Political Concept
Dieter Grimm, 2015
Food of Sinful Demons: Meat, Vegetarianism, and the Limits of Buddhism in Tibet
Geoffrey Barstow, 2017
Selected Poems and Letters
Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, 2017
Chinese Script: History, Characters, Calligraphy
Thomas O. Höllmann, 2017
Coming to Our Senses: Affect and an Order of Things for Global Culture
Dierdra Reber, 2016
Lineages of Political Society: Studies in Postcolonial Democracy
Partha Chatterjee, 2011
Lineages of Political Society: Studies in Postcolonial Democracy
Partha Chatterjee, 2011
The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities
Eric Hayot, 2014
The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities
Eric Hayot, 2014
Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart
Adam Reich, 2018
The Stigma Effect: Unintended Consequences of Mental Health Campaigns
Patrick W Corrigan, 2018