انتشارات Continuum

Becoming God: Pure Reason in Early Greek Philosophy
Patrick Lee Miller, 2011
Language Engineering
Hristo Georgiev, 2007
Language Engineering
Hristo Georgiev, 2007
Critical Theory: Selected Essays
Max Horkheimer, 2002
EPZ Eclipse of Reason
Horkheimer, 2004
EPZ Eclipse of Reason
Horkheimer, 2004
Panorama : philosophies of the visible
Wurzer, 2002
Key Terms in Stylistics
Nina Nørgaard, 2010
Stylistics and Shakespeare's Language: Transdisciplinary Approaches
Jonathan Culpeper, 2011
Moral Virtue and Nature: A Defense of Ethical Naturalism
Stephen R. Brown, 2008
Husserl's phenomenology : knowledge, objectivity and others
Hermberg, Kevin, 2006
Jean Baudrillard: Live Theory (Live Theory Series)
Paul Hegarty, 2004
Foreign language learning and use : interaction in informal social networks
Naomi Kurata, 2011
Action Research (Continuum Research Methods)
Patrick Costello, 2003
Philosophers and God: At the Frontiers of Faith and Reason
John Cornwell, 2009
After finitude : an essay on the necessity of contingency
Meillassoux, 2009
Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body
Paul Thibault, 2004
Computational and Quantitative Studies (Collected Works M. A. K. Halliday)
M. A.K. Halliday, 2005