انتشارات Council Of Europe

Active Ageing in Europe Volume 1 (Population Studies) (Vol 41)
Dragana Avramov, Miroslava Maskova, 2003
A Guide to Project Management (Language Learning (Ecml, Graz))
Frank Heyworth, European Centre for Modern Languages, 2002
Action Plan for the Conservation of Wolves in Europe
Luigi Boitani, 2000
European Prison Rules (Penal Law and Criminology)
Council of Europe, 2006
Child Rights in Europe - Convergence and divergence in judicial protection
Geraldine Van Bueren
TASKs for Democracy
Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard, Ildikó Lázár, 2015
European pharmacopoeia
Marianne Ek, 2013
Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Ana Salinas de Frias, 2012
Protecting future generations through commons (Trends in social cohesion)
Council of Europe, 2014
Minority Rights In Europe: A Review of the Work and Standards of the Council of Europe (Minorities)
Patrick Thornberry, Maria Amor Martin Estebanez, 2004
Queer in Europe during the Second World War
Régis Schlagdenhauffen, 2018
Interculturalism and Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences
Martyn Barrett, 2013