انتشارات Crc Pr I Llc, Crc Press

Maximizing energy savings and minimizing costs
Ph.D. John Studebaker, 2009
EAGC course book on colposcopy
Luesley, David; Bősze, Péter, 2003
The electronic packaging handbook
Blackwell, Glenn R, 2000
Standardized Work with TWI: Eliminating Human Errors in Production and Service Processes
Misiurek, Bartosz, 2016
The cell manufacturing playbook: a step-by-step guideline for the lean practitioner
Ortiz, Chris A, 2016
The quick changeover playbook: a step-by-step guideline for the lean practitioner
Ortiz, Chris A, 2016
Sustainable practices in surface and subsurface micro irrigation
Megh R. Goyal, 2015
The fundamentals of quality assurance in the textile industry
Brahams, Stanley Bernard, 2017
Marketing organization development consulting : a how-to guide for OD consultants
Park, Jong Gyu; Rothwell, William J.; Yi, Chae-yŏng, 2017
How to engage, involve, and motivate employees : building a culture of lean leadership with two-way commitment and communication
Janis Allen, Michael McCarthy, 2017
Foundations for nanoscience and nanotechnology
Petersen, Nils O, 2016
Manufacturing cost policy deployment (MCPD) and methods design concept (MDC) : the path to competitiveness
Posteuca, Alin; Sakamoto, Shigeyasu, 2017
Statistical Thermodynamics Of Surfaces, Interfaces, And Membranes
Samuel Safran, 2003,2018
Load Flow Optimization and Optimal Power Flow
J. C. Das, 2017
Discover Excellence: An Overview of the Shingo Model and Its Guiding Principles
Plenert, Gerhard Johannes, 2018
An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory
Michael E. Peskin; Daniel V. Schroeder, 2018
Are There Really Neutrinos?: An Evidential History
Allan Franklin, 2018
Calculus On Manifolds: A Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus
Michael Spivak, 2018
Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume II: Condensed Plasmas
Setsuo Ichimaru, 2018
What Are You Feeling Doctor: Identifying And Avoiding Defensive Patterns In The Consultation
John Salinsky and Paul Sackin, 2000