انتشارات Crc Press I Llc

Statistical methods for immunogenicity assessment
Yang, Harry, 2015
Evolutionary Biology of the Atlantic Salmon
Petersson, Erik, 2015
Integrated quantum hybrid systems
Wolters, 2016
Dermoscopy image analysis
Celebi, M. Emre, 2016
Ecological Forest Management Handbook
Larocque, 2016
Environmental Systems Analysis with MATLAB®
Marsili-Libelli, 2016
Indigenous fermented foods of South Asia
Joshi, 2016
Maintenance Audits Handbook: A Performance Measurement Framework
Galar Pascual, Diego, 2016
Managing Lean Projects
Kliem, 2016
Mapping of nervous system diseases via MicroRNAs
Barbato, Christian, 2016
Meat quality : genetic and environmental factors
Hopkins, David, 2016
Vulvovaginal Infections, Second Edition
Ledger, William J., 2016
Wireless Medical Systems and Algorithms: Design and Applications
Hernandez-Silveira, Miguel, 2016
Zeroing dynamics, gradient dynamics, and Newton iterations
Mao, Mingzhi, 2016
Solid Waste as a Renewable Resource: Methodologies
Albanese, Jimmy Alexander Faria, 2015
Intraperitoneal cancer therapy : principles and practice
Ceelen, Wim P., 2015
Wireless Transceiver Circuits: System Perspectives and Design Aspects
Iniewski, Krzysztof, 2015
Women in the Criminal Justice System: Tracking the Journey of Females and Crime
Freiburger, Tina L., 2015
Using R and RStudio for data management, statistical analysis, and graphics
Nicholas J Horton, 2015