انتشارات D Reidel

Foundations of the logical theory of scientific knowledge
Zinov’ev A.A., 1973
Likeness to Truth
Oddie, Graham, 1986
Algebraic and geometric methods in nonlinear control theory
Fliess M., Hazewinkel M. (eds.), 1986
An outline of mathematical logic
Grzegorczyk, Andrzej, 1974
Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincaré
Torretti, Roberto, 1984
The Logical Structure of Mathematical Physics, 2nd Revised Edition
J.D. Sneed, 1979
The principles of electromagnetic theory and of relativity
Tonnelat M.-A, 1966
Themes in Soviet Marxist Philosophy: Selected Articles from the ‘Filosofskaja Enciklopedija’
Blakeley, T. J. (Ed.), 1975
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications
Liviu Gr. Ixaru, 1984
Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions
Louis Comtet, 1974
Philosophy of Language
Franz von Kutschera, 1975
Essays in Legal and Moral Philosophy
Hans Kelsen, 1973
The Acting Person
Pope John Paul II, 1979
Algorithmic Logic
Grazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki, 1987
Boston studies in the philosophy of science
Marx W. Wartofsky ; Robert S. Cohen, 1969
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Richmond H. Thomason, 1985
Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics
Paulette Libermann, Charles-Michel Marle, 1987
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Jeffrey Bub, 1974
Probability and Information
A.M. Yaglom, I.M. Yaglom, 1983