انتشارات De Gruyter

Eusebius Werke, 8. Band: Die Praeparatio Evangelica. Teil 2: Die Bücher XI bis XV. Register
Eusebius: Karl Mras, 1983
Aram and Israel during the Jehuite Dynasty
Shuichi Hasegawa, 2012
The State of the Pentateuch: A comparison of the approaches of M. Noth and E. Blum
Damian J. Wynn-Williams, 1997
Hitler - Reden Schriften Anordnungen 1925-1933 (12 Bände)
Adolf Hitler, 1992
Geschichte der Alten Kirche
Hans Lietzmann, 1975
The Trias of Maimonides: Jewish, Arabic, And Ancient Culture of Knowledge
Georges Tamer, 2005
Discursive Approaches to Politeness
Linguistic Politeness Research Group, 2011
The Expression of Modality
William Frawley (ed.), 2006