انتشارات De Gruyter Stem

The Syntax of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks
Artemis Alexiadou, 2010
The Elementary Theory of Groups
Benjamin Fine, 2014
Tibor Kiss, 2015
Syntax — Theory and Analysis: An International Handbook
Tibor Kiss, 2015
Symmetry of Intramolecular Quantum Dynamics
Alexander V. Burenin, 2012
Koheleth: His Language and Thought
Charles Francis Whitley, 1979
Лекции по топологии трехмерных многообразий. Введение в инвариант Кассона
Николай Савельев, 1999
The Determinacy Of Long Games
Itay Neeman, 2004
The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies
Elias Muhanna, 2016
The Genre of the Book of Revelation from a Source-Critical Perspective
Frederick David Mazzaferri, 1989
The Nowhere Bible: Utopia, Dystopia, Science Fiction
Frauke Uhlenbruch, 2015
The Reidemeister Torsion of 3-Manifolds (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics)
Liviu I. Nicolaescu, 2002
The Rocket into Planetary Space
Hermann Oberth, 2014
Time: From Concept to Narrative Construct: A Reader (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory)
Jan Christoph Meister, 2011
Wende und Einheit im Spiegel der Deutschsprachigen Literatur: Ein Handbuch
Frank Thomas Grub, 2003
What Is Truth? (Current Issues in Theoretical Philosophy)
Richard Schantz (editor), 2002
Wörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Günter Kempcke, Barbara Seelig, Birgit Wolf и др., 2000
Projective Varieties With Unexpected Properties
Ciro Ciliberto, 2005
Random differential equations in scientific computing
Tobias Neckel, 2013