انتشارات De Gruyter

Comparative Studies in Amerindian Languages
Esther Matteson, Alva Wheeler, Frances L. Jackson, 1972,2014
Cypriot Greek: Its Phonology and Inflections
Brian Newton, 2013
Dialect Boundaries and the Question of Franco-Provencal
George Jochnowitz, 2013
Dictionnaire inverse de la langue française
Alphonse Juilland, 1965
English Speech Rhythm and the Foreign Learner
Corinne Adams, 1983,2012
Essai Pour Une Histoire Structurale Du Phonetisme Francais
André Haudricourt, Alphonse Juilland, 1971,2015
James Bynon et al. (eds.), 1975
Intonation and grammar in British English
Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday, 1967
The Inga Language
Stephen H. Levinsohn, 1976,2015
Two Centuries of Spanish and English Bilingual Lexicography (1590-1800)
Roger J. Steiner, 1970,2014
Carlton T. Hodge, 1971,2015
Staging Death
Anastasia Dakouri-Hild, Michael J. Boyd (eds.), 2016
Unplanned Wars: the Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars
Hoyos, B. Dexter, 2012
Die Vorsokratiker Band 2: Parmenides, Zenon, Empedokles
Gemelli Marciano, Laura, 2013
Die Vorsokratiker Band 3: Anaxagoras, Melissos, Diogenes von Apollonia, Die antiken Atomisten (Leukipp und Demokrit)
Gemelli Marciano, Laura, 2013
Current Perspectives on Pedagogy for English as a Lingua Franca
Yasemin Bayyurt, Sumru Akcan (eds.), 2015
General Relativity: The most beautiful of theories. Applications and trends after 100 years
Carlo Rovelli (ed.), 2015
Syntactic Complexity across Interfaces
Andreas Trotzke, Josef Bayer, 2015
New Trends in Nordic and General Linguistics
Martin Hilpert et al. (eds.), 2015
MEGA² IV.5 - Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels - Exzerpte und Notizen. Juli 1845 bis Dezember 1850
Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, 2015
Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World
Kapparis, Konstantinos, 2017
Homer’s Iliad: The Basel commentary. Prolegomena
Anton Bierl, Joachim Latacz (eds.), 2015